Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reality Check!

The journey of natural sounded like so much fun in the beginning. It sounded so liberating. It made since for me and the place I am at in life. I knew it was going to be some work and take dedication. I don't think I realized how much.

I have had a reality check. Although I have been able to see some healthy results since my BC, I have not been taking care of my hair as I should. It takes so much more than cutting off all your hair and then going back to the same 'ol routine as before. Really the only thing I have changed is how I wash my hair. I now cowash. That is all fine and dandy but if I am going to get the results I want...more needs to be done.

I went out and bought some coconut oil so I can give my hair some much needed moisture EVERYDAY. I will continue the cowash and even try a vinegar rinse. I will also start some hot oil treatments. Another regimen I am adding is eating healthy and drinking lots of water and smoothies + protein. Yum! That last one will be no problem. I hope this promise to myself to really treat my hair right will lead to the satisfaction of a healthy head of gorgeous tresses that are all MINE!



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