Friday, December 28, 2012

Just a couple of styles I have been rockin...

Sorry I haven't posted in what..forever! But I have added plenty of pic for some style inspiration!! Enjoy :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Natural Hair Protective Style

So I just wanted to share my "new hair" with you all. I have been a avid lover of wigs for about 3 years. In fact, I think they are amazing. You can take them off every night and let your hair breathe!! For the most part, before going natural I would wear wigs with relaxed texture hair. Now since I am doing my natural thing I opted for a curly unit. I love her!!! I always leave a little of my hair out in the front so I have a more realistic look. My hair blends in quite nicely with this texture if I do say so myself. I notice that curly hair does shed a bit more but not to the point where I am leaving a trail lol.

I got this unit from . They are fairly new and have awesome prices!! Check them out!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reality Check!

The journey of natural sounded like so much fun in the beginning. It sounded so liberating. It made since for me and the place I am at in life. I knew it was going to be some work and take dedication. I don't think I realized how much.

I have had a reality check. Although I have been able to see some healthy results since my BC, I have not been taking care of my hair as I should. It takes so much more than cutting off all your hair and then going back to the same 'ol routine as before. Really the only thing I have changed is how I wash my hair. I now cowash. That is all fine and dandy but if I am going to get the results I want...more needs to be done.

I went out and bought some coconut oil so I can give my hair some much needed moisture EVERYDAY. I will continue the cowash and even try a vinegar rinse. I will also start some hot oil treatments. Another regimen I am adding is eating healthy and drinking lots of water and smoothies + protein. Yum! That last one will be no problem. I hope this promise to myself to really treat my hair right will lead to the satisfaction of a healthy head of gorgeous tresses that are all MINE!


Healthy Smoothie Recipe

I made a yummy smoothie today. Smoothies stock full of veggies and fruit are great for you inside and outside beauty. Try out this yummy recipe!

  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1/2 Orange Juice
  • 1/3 cup of peach yogurt
  • 7 mini carrots
  • handful of spinach
  • protein powder
Blend together the goodness and feel the healthy start to radiate! :)

"6 week" ...or close to it, TRIM!

Ok really, it has been like 8 weeks since my big chop. I knew a trim was scheduled but I kinda lost track of time. Anyways, I 'll do better this time. I have to say, ruffled ends where indeed present. However, when I looked down at my chopped ends, they looked soo much healthier than the hair that was cut from the big chop. So there is some improvement already!! YAY! We all like results!

Friday, August 24, 2012

I would say my curls look like...

What's my hair type, curl pattern, Number and Letter combo? LOL. My goodness. When I first started looking into other women's natural hair experiences, I was introduced to the term of "hair type" or  "curl pattern." I guess at first I really didn't think there was a significant difference or meaning to that difference. After looking into what products, hair regimens and hairstyles go best with natural hair, I also discovered it is helpful to know what your curl pattern is. My curl pattern is mixed. Although I have no relaxed, chemically treated hair on my head, not all of my hair has reversed back to my natural kinky curl.

I wore half wigs for 2 good years. I would use a flatiron on the front section of my hair everyday. Due to that constant manipulation, my hair in the front has lost some of its curl. The front section of my hair is 2c in some parts and a 2b in others. You can see this in the photo below:
Notice the strands that are more of a wavy pattern?

The middle and back sections of my hair are 4a and 3c...but mostly 4a. Geesh!! Sounds complicated. So I thought I would just sum it up as best I could and say the majority of my hair is a combination of 3c and 4a. Have you figured out your curl pattern yet??


Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Problem Areas

I have been wearing wigs for awhile now. Probably a good three years where I wore a wig every single day. It is my protective style. I love wigs, the ease they bring and the many hairstyle options I get from them. One thing I hate about wigs is what it has done to my temples. My hair is so thin in my temple areas. This is from those darn wig clips!

Can you see all the thickness..then that one area where the hair is thin? Well after doing a little research, I found that rubbing castor oil on these areas everyday can help with hair growth. I am also refraining from using the wig clips and hopefully preventing anymore damage. I will do an update and post some picks of my results in the next month or so.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My First CoWash

I did my first cowash the other day. A cowash, for those who are new to this, is basically like washing your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo. I used Suave Naturals. You have to really work the conditioner through your hair to get the buildup out. I used a lot of conditioner, worked it through my hair in sections from root to tip, and left it on my hair for about an hour. After rinsing, my hair felt clean but also very soft! I will cowash my hair once a week and then use shampoo once a month. This should keep some much needed moisture in my hair. We shall see :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hittin' the Town

Yesterday my sister and I decided we wanted to get dressed up and treat ourselves to a nice dinner. I had my outfit and makeup glammed out! Then it was time to work on my hair. Usually I will just put my natural hair in a bun then throw on a wig. But....I thought, hey I'm on a journey! Let me rock the natural tonight! What do you think?

 At first I had the back hair down with just the side pinned up. I wasn't really feeling that look and the back curls just didn't look right so I pinned the back part up too and..viola! I loved it. It was a fresh and funky/edgy look.

The curls kinda frizzed out halfway through the night but it was still cute. I think next time I will plan ahead. I'll probably braid my hair the night before then do this same style with the braids out. That way I believe the curls will be more defined and wont frizz on me. Still it was a great night with a great hairstyle! :)


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Joining the Movement

Wow the community around natural hair is so amazing! Now that I have fully grasped the lifestyle, because it is a lifestyle, I have explored how other women are doing it too. There are so many beautiful women with gorgeous natural hair out there. It is inspiring and motivating to be a part of what some might call a movement. I am gaining tips, product suggestions, style ideas and so much more. Why didn't I do this sooner??? Oh well, you gotta start somewhere. I am going to bed completely happy and satisfied with my decision to go natural!


Monday, August 13, 2012

One Source- Hair Skin and Nails multi-vitamin

Hey All!

So I want to kick off this journey right and make sure I am giving my hair a healthy start. I figured vitamins would be an excellent addition to my healthy hair regimen. I have done a lot of research. There are many brands out there that you can try. Some are ridiculously over priced..beware. Check the labels!! Some of those $$$ vitamins don't have anymore benefits than a more cost-saving option. I choose the cost-saving option first. for the past week, I have been taking One Source- Hair Skin and Nails multi-vitamin. It is only about $5 at Walmart for 72 pills. Instructions say to take them twice a day.

 Make sure you drink plenty of water. Biotin, an ingredient in this pill used to promote healthy hair, skin and nails, can make you breakout. Look it up on some other blogs and vlogs. There is plenty of evidence out there on what can happen if you don't get enough water. As for me, I have had a water bottle at my side at all times and no breakouts yet! Yay! In about a month I plan to do a video about the results. Stay tuned!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

BC Day! I did it..kind of...

The big day had come. Big Chop day! I started to comb out my hair..and this is going to sound so bad but I was shocked at how much hair I have. It has been a long long time since I really gave my hair a good comb through. Don't get me wrong I would wash my hair, brush out the tangles and throw it in a ponytail but I never really paid much attention to my hair since having my son. My son is now a toddler LOL. So as I combed out my hair, my sister shrieked at the thought of me cutting it all off. We both examined my hair. I haven't had a relaxer in gosh..about 6 years. I considered my hair transitioned. I imagined my hair to be so unhealthy because of how traumatic the past months have been, I really haven't done the best job with taking care of myself. This hair on top of my head though, it wasn't disgustingly matted, uneven from breakage or anything else I had expected to see. So I opted out of the big chop. Please forgive me. Still I did chop off a good 2.5 inches.
Snip, snip, snip! It didn't hurt, in fact I had a smile on my face the whole time. I probably looked crazy. My sister started to get misty-eyed. Oh goodness. Still after I was finished, I felt good. I am at the beginning of a beautiful and healthy journey.  Check out the pics after the chop...

...and after a good wash..which by the way, had very minimal shedding. I can start to see the results already!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tomorrow is the Big Day!! BC DAY!

"Big Chop! Big Chop!"
I can hear it in my head. I am excited, nervous, anxious...READY! Hair, my goodness my hair. It has been my everything, my enemy, my confidence, my craze. It has prevented me from experiences, pushed me to gloat and also has been my crown and glory. Should it have this much power over me?? Then came the drama, and it was the first thing I neglected. My hair has been malnourished and I am ready to start fresh.

A couple of days after I decide I am at the point in my life where the BC is oh so necessary, I contemplated if the BC meant leaving 4", 2" or shaving it all. As the days drew closer, I decided I am not pretty enough to rock a short fro. I have to leave at least 4"-5". My hair is about 11". Who was that voice speaking in my head?!?! Of course I am pretty enough. Isn't that the whole point of this. I need to claim back the power I have given to this crown. Now, I am not saying I want to rock the short style forever..but I am tired of wearing the hair that isn't mine. I am tired of combing out my hair at the end of the day and cringing at the sound of neglect that comes from it. I am read for the healthy. I am ready for the real. Tomorrow is BC DAY! Can't wait. It is going to be liberating!